Retirement Workshop for State Workers- June 2011

First Franklin Financial Services puts on a retirement workshop exclusively for state workers being effected by budget cuts and privatization.

 The locally owned financial advisory service vows to help state workers in their time of need.

Tallahassee, FL June 17, 2011: State workers across Florida are being faced with tough decisions due to statewide budget cuts causing layoffs and privatization. One question lingering on the minds of people facing job loss is what options they have inside of The Florida Retirement System. Brett Ewing, instructor of Retirement Planning Today at Florida State University, wants to reach out to these state workers with his expertise. The main point he stresses: “Don’t let your retirement be frozen or your income be penalized!” Workers will join him on June 22nd, 2011 at Hotel Duval for a customized workshop catering to the unique needs of state employees in this difficult position.


Securities Offered Through Centaurus Financial, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. First Franklin Financial Services and Centaurus Financial, Inc. ARE NOT affiliated companies